La Voce di Castagnole

Address Via G. Abbate, 72, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Facebook link

The first issue of the magazine La Voce di Castagnole was released in December 1995.

Since then, every two months it arrives in the homes of the inhabitants of Castagnole delle Lanze “near and far” and informs them about the life of the town.

Over the years a network of collaborators has been created to deal with the various sections: administrative life, school activity, sport, leisure time, etc.

The newspaper is financed exclusively through advertising and membership fees paid to the cultural association La Voce.

Over the years, the association has published books on Castagnole, organized photographic exhibitions and, in collaboration with the municipal library, proposed meetings with writers and book presentations.

See also...

• Events in Castagnole delle Lanze

• Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide

• Municipium, the App of your Municipality