• Typical products | Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables

Azienda Agricola Poggio Enrico

Address Strada Valle Tanaro, 59, 14054 Valle Tanaro AT, Italia
Tel 339 6024593
Email poggioenrico@alice.it
Web Site
Production and sale of wines and hazelnuts. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the Ap...
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Babo – Agriturismo conviviale

Address Via Annunziata, 26, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 329 3884214
Email info@agriturismobabo.it
Farmhouse with sale of typical products. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the App o...
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Cascina Galarin

Address Via Carossi, 12, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 0141 878586
Fax 0141 878586
Email cascinagalarin@tin.it
Agritourism with sale of typical products. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the App...

Opening time:
Always open (by appointment)
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La mela E... Castagnole delle Lanze shop

Address Via Fratelli Vicari, 47, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 334 3381385
Email ordini.lamelae@gmail.com
Fruits, vegetables, bread, pasta, rice, desserts, dairy products, sauces, fruit juices, wines. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castag...

Opening time:
Weekly day of rest: Sunday
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Saglietti 1941 di Saglietti Silvio Giovanni

Address Via Carossi 15, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 349 1796149
Email hello@saglietti1941.it
Production and sale of saffron and related products. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipiu...
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Sapori del Sud

Address Piazza Lucchini, 20, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 388 3850501
Web Site
Fruit, vegetables, cheeses, cold cuts, pasta, jars in oil, pickles. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist gu...

Opening time:
Weekly rest day: Sunday afternoon
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