• Culture and Tourism

Artistic house numbers | Castagnole delle Lanze

Address 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Artistic house numbers | Castagnole delle Lanze
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Associazione culturale La Voce

Address Via G. Abbate, 72, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Cultural association. It's in charge of the publication of La Voce di Castagnole, a bi-monthly local information newspaper based in Castagnole delle L...
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Associazione Culturale Torre del Conte Paolo Ballada di Saint Robert - ODV

Address Via Artuffo, 53, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 335 8489162
Email assoc.torreballada@libero.it
Association founded in 2012. Promotes local culture and heritage with particular attention to the figure of Count Saint Robert, of whom a museum tour ...
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Associazione Gemellaggi Castagnole delle Lanze

Address Via Tagliaferro, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Association for the promotion of the territory and socio-cultural exchange between the twinned towns. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze •...
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Associazione I Farinelli - Tutti "Pazzi" per Castagnole

Address Via Roma, 13, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 338 5610954
Email info@ifarinelli.org
Web Site
Castagnole delle Lanze tourist association for the promotion of the territory and trade. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole d...
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Castagnole delle Lanze Civic Library

Address Via Tagliaferro, 19, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 0141 875623
Email biblioteca.castagnole@yahoo.it
Web Site
Castagnole delle Lanze civic library. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the App of y...
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Chapel of St. Nicholas (Cappella di San Nicolao)

Address Località S. Nicolao, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Nineteenth-century chapel with a gabled façade. It stands in a panoramic position. Source images: https://www.facebook.com/UfficioTuristicoCastagnole ...
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Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica | Castagnole delle Lanze

Address Via XXIV Maggio, 84, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 328 2122649
Place of worship of evangelical Christians. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the Ap...
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Church of Our Lady of the Angels (Chiesa della Madonna degli Angeli)

Address Str. Valle Tanaro, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Church. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'interesse https://www.comune.castagnoledellel...
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Church of Our Lady of the Snows (Chiesa della Madonna della Neve)

Address Via Farinere, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
The church stands in a panoramic position. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'interesse ...
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Church of St. Bartholomew (Chiesa di San Bartolomeo)

Address Piazza S. Bartolomeo, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
The church stands in the square of the same name. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'int...
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Church of St. Defendente (Chiesa di San Defendente)

Address Via Carossi, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Church in Via Carossi. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'interesse https://www.comune.c...
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Church of St. Grato (Chiesa di San Grato)

Address Frazione San Grato, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Country church. It stands in a panoramic position. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'in...
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Church of St. John (or the Confraternity of the Battuti Bianchi) - Chiesa di San Giovanni (o della Confraternita dei Battuti Bianchi)

Address Piazza Balbo, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
The Brotherhood of Battuti Bianchi was built in 1668. The façade of the church, clear and with stucco decoration, features the splendid medallion of t...
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Church of St. Mary' (Chiesa di Santa Maria)

Address SP39, 10, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
The church stands in a panoramic position. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'interesse ...
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Church of St. Peter in Chains (Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli)

Address Via Ruscone, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Piazza Marconi is dominated by the monumental parish church of St. Peter. The construction, in Ligurian-Piedmontese Baroque style, began in 1681. It s...
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Church of St. Rocco (Chiesa di San Rocco)

Address Via IV Novembre, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Church in via IV Novembre. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'interesse https://www.comu...
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Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows (Chiesa della Beata Vergine Maria Addolorata)

Address Regione Carossi, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Church in Regione Carossi. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'interesse https://www.comu...
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Church of the Most Holy Annunciation (Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata)

Address SP39, 37, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
The church stands in a panoramic position. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'interesse ...
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Church of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Chiesa della Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio)

Address Via Olmo, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Church in via Olmo. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it Luoghi d'interesse https://www.comune.cast...
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"Dalle Langhe alle Lanze" railway model (c/o Castagnole delle Lanze Railway Station)

Address Via Tagliaferro, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
In the old waiting room of the railway station is placed the "Dalle Langhe alle Lanze" railway model. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze •...
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Events in Castagnole delle Lanze

Address 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Events in Castagnole delle Lanze Today's events Tomorrow's events Week's events All the events See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castag...
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Former Castagnole delle Lanze Castle (Ex Castello di Castagnole delle Lanze)

Address Via Artuffo, 40, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
No traces remain of the ancient castle of Castagnole delle Lanze. Insights Comune di Castagnole delle Lanze https://www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at...
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Former Church of St. Elizabeth (Ex Chiesa di Santa Elisabetta)

Address Via Auberti, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Today it is a pretty house with green-painted walls but once the building housed the church of St. Elizabeth's. Built in 1625, it was managed by the C...
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Fountain | Castagnole delle Lanze (via Abbate)

Address Via G. Abbate, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Ornamental fountain. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the App of your Municipality...
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Holy Virgin of Mercy - Madonna della Misericordia (reinterpretation by Gabriella Piccato)

Address Piazza Giovannone, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
On the north side of piazza Giovannone an artistic reinterpretation of the “Madonna della Misericordia”, by painter Gabriella Piccato, offers protecti...
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Lanze Point

Address Piazza Balbo, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT , Italia
Web Site
The point is inside the premises of the Church of Battuti, in Piazza Balbo (Castagnole delle Lanze). See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • ...
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La Voce di Castagnole

Address Via G. Abbate, 72, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Email divadova@virgilio.it
Web Site
The first issue of the magazine La Voce di Castagnole was released in December 1995. Since then, every two months it arrives in the homes of the inhab...
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L’incontro di Bianca Lancia con Federico II (Bianca Lancia's meeting with Frederick II)

Address Via Ruscone, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Artwork created by Castagnole artist Giovanni Sirio. It was donated to the Mayor and the Municipal Administration as a token of gratitude for all that...
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Memorial plaque to the Fallen | Castagnole delle Lanze

Address Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Plaque dedicated to the memory of Fallen in war. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, t...
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Monument to Paolo Ballada di Saint Robert

Address Via Artuffo, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Monument dedicated to the figure of Count Paolo Ballada of Saint Robert, an important scholar of military technology. The work was created by Marcello...
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Monument to the Fallen | Castagnole delle Lanze

Address Piazza Lucchini, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Monument dedicated to the memory of the Fallen in war. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municip...
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Mural by Beppe Gallo

Address Via Ener Bettica, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Artwork created by the Castagnolese Beppe Gallo. The mural depicts the typical colors of the territory. Source images: https://www.facebook.com/Uffici...
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Museo del Treno (c/o Castagnole delle Lanze Railway Station)

Address Via Tagliaferro, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Museum set up in the premises of Castagnole delle Lanze railway station. In the old waiting room of the station is placed "Dalle Langhe alle Lanze" ra...
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Museum of Count Paolo Ballada of Saint Robert

Address Parco della Rimembranza, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 335 8489162
Email assoc.torreballada@libero.it
Museum dedicated to Count Paolo Ballada of Saint Robert, an important scholar of military technology. It was inaugurated on June 10, 2012. Insights Co...
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Museum of High Monferrato and Low Langa Rural Culture (c/o Confraternity of Battuti Bianchi) - Museo della Civilta Contadina dell'Alto Monferrato e della Bassa Langa (c/o Confraternita dei Battuti Bianchi)

Address Piazza Balbo, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 0141 875600
The museum displays objects and tools of the peasant civilization used in domestic and working environments. It is housed in the premises of the decon...
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Photo story of the territory | Castagnole delle Lanze

Address 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
The territory told through photographic shots. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the...
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Piazza Carlo Giovannone

Address Piazza Carlo Giovannone, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Piazza Carlo Giovannone, also known as “Piazza Nuova” since it was the last, in order of time, to be built in Castagnole delle Lanze, was once occupie...
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Piazza Marconi

Address Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
The square, the oldest in Castagnole delle Lanze, hosted until 1952 the weekly market that developed between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I...
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Portico Tristano e Isotta

Address Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Porch made in 2015. It is dedicated to the concept of dramatic love: the blue drops, in fact, are reminiscent of tears. It is possible to hear, at the...
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Pro Loco Castagnole delle Lanze

Address Via Vittoria, 3, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Email info@eventilanze.it
Association. Insights Provincia di Asti https://www.provincia.asti.it/ Albo Pro Loco https://www.provincia.asti.it/en/page/albo-pro-loco See also... •...
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Pro Loco San Bartolomeo di Castagnole delle Lanze

Address Via Tagliaferro, 19, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 360 440660
Fax 0141 877763
Email info@eventilanze.it
Association. Insights Provincia di Asti https://www.provincia.asti.it/ Albo Pro Loco https://www.provincia.asti.it/en/page/albo-pro-loco See also... •...
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Purple Bench | Castagnole delle Lanze (c/o Church of St. Defendente)

Address Via Carossi, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
The Municipality of Castagnole delle Lanze and Polisportiva Castagnolese joined the 2021 edition of the National Week of Purple Benches, the color of ...
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Red Bench | Castagnole delle Lanze

Address Località Piani, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Red bench against violence against women. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the App ...
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Staircase to Dr. Mauro Valfredi

Address Via Ruscone, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Steps dedicated to Dr. Mauro Valfredi, deputy mayor during the administration of Renzo Masengo, among the promoters in 1979 of the first edition of th...
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Teatro San Bartolomeo

Address Via G. Don Casetta, 4, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Theater. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the App of your Municipality...
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The "enclosure" of Castagnole delle Lanze

Address Via Auberti, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
The “enclosure”, as it is mentioned in historical texts, was the original nucleus of Castagnole delle Lanze that developed around the castle during th...
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The Prello Wall

Address Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 39, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Insights Langa & Monferrato https://www.visitlangamonferrato.it/ Castagnole delle Lanze - The Prello Wall https://www.visitlangamonferrato.com/castagn...
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The wall dedicated to the twin cities

Address Via Ener Bettica, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
On via Ener Bettica there is a wall dedicated to the twin cities with Castagnole delle Lanze. The municipal administration wanted to dedicate a small ...
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Tourist information office | Castagnole delle Lanze

Address Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 13, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 331 2665702
Email ufficioturistico@castagnoledellelanze.net
Tourist information office. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the App of your Munici...
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Tower of Count Paolo Ballada of Saint Robert (Torre del Conte Paolo Ballada di Saint Robert)

Address Via Artuffo, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 331 2665702
On the highest point of the park we find the panoramic tower, built in the second half of the nineteenth century by Count Paolo Ballada di San Robert,...
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Trattoria "Il Laghetto" di Fascini Romilda

Address Via Acquedotto, 14, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Tel 348 7485870
Email info@trattorialaghetto.it
Tavern and location for events. It has a small lake where it is possible to fish and an airfield for landing and take-off of super light aircraft. See...
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Tricolor bench | Castagnole delle Lanze

Address 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Bench painted in the colors of the Italian flag. It stands in a panoramic position. The area is equipped with a picnic table. Image source: https://ww...
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Via Ener Bettica's arcades

Address Via Ener Bettica, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Walking down via Ener Bettica we find on the right the arcades, formed by thirteen arches planted on solid support columns. They were painted by the a...
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Villa Alfieri

Address Via Ruscone, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Eighteenth-century villa, formerly owned by the family of the famous literary figure of the same name, Vittorio Alfieri. Today it houses an architects...
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Votive pillar of the Most Holy Immaculate Conception (Pilone votivo della Santissima Immacolata)

Address Via Piani, 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze AT, Italia
Web Site
Votive pillar in Località Piani. See also... • Events in Castagnole delle Lanze • Castagnole delle Lanze tourist guide • Municipium, the App of your M...
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